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Understanding Tricare’s Hearing Aid Coverage


Understanding Tricare’s Hearing Aid Coverage


5 min

hearing aids

Published January 16, 2025

Hearing Aid Insurance Coverage & Tricare

At AudioNova, we believe there should be no barriers to getting the hearing healthcare you deserve. We understand many patients are reluctant to schedule a hearing test or consultation for hearing aids for financial reasons. Still, we assure you we’ll work diligently to connect you with the care you deserve. Tricare insurance is a government program offered to current military members, reserve members, retired members, and families of those who served or currently serve in the military. All active-duty military members are automatically enrolled in Tricare medical coverage.

Below, our hearing care providers discuss some important information regarding Tricare and whether the program covers the cost of hearing aids for patients. We’re happy to provide additional information and answer further questions. Contact us today to learn how our insurance specialists will do everything they can to connect you to high-quality hearing healthcare.

What Is Tricare Insurance?

There are several Tricare plans, from no-pay options to policies with additional costs. Tricare Prime, the most standard plan, assigns you to a primary care provider, usually located at a military base hospital. Tricare Select is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) health plan. Under a PPO health plan, patients have more freedom of choice when picking a provider, but there are additional associated costs. Tricare for Life is designed for retirees and pays for any costs not covered under Medicare.

Does Tricare Insurance Cover Hearing Aids for Active-Duty Military Members?

Yes, but there are exceptions. Tricare insurance covers hearing aids and services if the patient meets specific criteria to ensure the sufferer has moderate hearing loss or worse. The criteria include:

  • Less than 94 percent speech recognition score
  • A hearing threshold of at least 40 dB hearing loss in one or both ears when tested at 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, or 4,000
  • Or a hearing threshold of at least 26 dB hearing loss in one or both ears at any three or more of those frequencies
Does Tricare for Life Cover Hearing Aids for Retired Military?

Qualifying for hearing aid coverage is more complex for retirees if you have Tricare for Life. Tricare for Life doesn’t cover the cost of hearing aids, but they point retirees to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or the Retiree-At-Cost Hearing Aid Program (RACHAP). With these options, retirees can purchase devices from military hospitals and clinics at reduced costs. Tricare cautions that RACHAP benefits often depend on variables such as equipment, space, and provider availability.

Is RACHAP An Option?

At first glance, the RACHAP sounds like the perfect solution for purchasing a new set of hearing aids at a significantly reduced cost. However, the process can be complicated. For example, the program is only offered at certain military bases, causing you to spend money on travel if you’re not located near a base. Additionally, the availability of providers is limited, and active military members always take precedence at these clinics. If you’re struggling to afford hearing aids, the AudioNova team can help point you in the right direction.

Is Another Insurance Provider an Option?

Patients with Tricare insurance and Medicare sometimes wonder if the combination of two policies will be the answer to obtaining affordable hearing aids. Many major health insurance plans today cover a portion of the cost of hearing aids, but the rest is an out-of-pocket expense. If you’re worried about your ability to afford hearing aids, the hearing care providers and insurance specialists at Mid America Audiology Group can explore your options and verify your medical plan’s benefits. Our insurance counseling services are designed to make it easy for patients to navigate the world of healthcare coverage.

Exploring Options for Coverage

It’s important to remember that Tricare insurance isn’t your only option for obtaining hearing aids and the healthcare you deserve. Checking with your local VA hospital, primary care provider, or a trusted hearing care professional is a great place to start. While Tricare insurance might not be the hearing loss solution you were hoping for, we have the resources you need to obtain the hearing help you need and will work diligently to explore other options.

Contact Us to Learn More About Hearing Aid Insurance Coverage

Diving into the world of hearing aid insurance coverage can feel intimidating. Rest assured, resources are available to ensure you’re connected to the hearing healthcare you need. AudioNova offers a broad range of hearing care services, from tinnitus testing and treatment to fitting patients for custom hearing protection. Contact us today to learn more about our insurance counseling services or schedule an appointment online for a one-on-one consultation at one of our conveniently located hearing care centers.


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