What Can Hearing Aids Do for Tinnitus?

What Can Hearing Aids Do for Tinnitus?
10 min
Published November 8, 2024
If you suffer from tinnitus, you are probably all too familiar with its annoying symptoms. Buzzing and ringing in the ear can be highly disturbing, especially if the sensations persist over a long period. According to the American Tinnitus Association, over 50 million Americans suffer from this condition. Interestingly, the vast majority of tinnitus sufferers also have some degree of hearing loss.
Despite the substantial heterogeneity among studies, this comprehensive systematic review on the prevalence and incidence of tinnitus suggests that tinnitus affects more than 740 million adults globally and is perceived as a major problem by more than 120 million people, mostly aged 65 years or older. Health policy makers should consider the global burden of tinnitus, and greater effort should be devoted to boost research on tinnitus⁷.
What is tinnitus?
The term tinnitus comes from the Latin word tinnire, which means “to ring.” Individuals experiencing tinnitus report an unspecified acoustic sound like ringing, but also buzzing, clicking, pulsations, and other noises¹. Tinnitus is considered a symptom of an underlying condition, rather than a disease, and it refers to the perception of sounds in the head or ears when no corresponding external sounds are present²˒³. A severe form of tinnitus is associated with hearing loss⁴, thus impairing quality of life⁴˒⁵.
Tinnitus that lasts only for a short time is acute, while longer-lasting tinnitus is chronic. According to estimates, about 20 million people are plagued with chronic ringing in the ear, while about 2 million experience extremely debilitating forms of the condition. As a result, your life quality can suffer greatly depending on how long you have been dealing with the annoyance of hearing sounds and how severe your case is.
If the noises and sounds you hear can only be perceived by you, doctors refer to your condition as subjective tinnitus. Ninety-nine percent of tinnitus cases fall into this category. The remaining one percent is referred to as objective tinnitus, where others can also hear the noises.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for tinnitus, but there are treatment options that can reduce your symptoms and make them less burdensome on your life.
What causes tinnitus?
Although it is difficult to say what caused ringing in the ear in your case, here are the leading causes of tinnitus:
- exposure to loud noise (exposure, music, gunshot)
- medication side effect
- age-related hearing loss
- earwax blockage
- neurological disorders
- bone degeneration in the middle ear
- TMJ disorders
- upper respiratory infection, COVID-19, etc.
How is hearing loss connected to tinnitus?
An audiologist is the best person to determine whether you also suffer from hearing loss in addition to tinnitus symptoms. If you have hearing loss, neuroplastic changes occur in the brain, affecting how your brain processes the various frequencies.
Since hearing loss reduces your ability to hear external sounds, this alone can amplify the sounds you hear due to your tinnitus. In addition, having hearing loss - either age-related or other types - and tinnitus simultaneously makes it very challenging to communicate. But don't get discouraged, as hearing aids for tinnitus can be particularly helpful.
How can hearing aids help with tinnitus?
Tinnitus hearing aids can offer significant tinnitus relief. They do so in multiple ways. For instance, hearing aids shift your attention away from the tinnitus sounds by amplifying the external sounds that you hear. Other hearing aids help tinnitus patients by introducing soothing sounds and white noise into the ear.
This strategy is called tinnitus masking, and many people find it quite effective. Tinnitus-masking sounds are typically either built into the device or can be programmed with the help of an app.
Habituation is another technique that some hearing aids and sound therapy may use. This exciting method is used to retrain the brain and teach it to classify tinnitus sounds as non-significant. This strategy helps tinnitus patients ignore the annoying tinnitus sounds and focus on sounds generated externally.
To help you choose the best possible hearing aids for tinnitus, here are a few pointers to keep in mind:
- Ensure that the hearing aid you are considering is registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medical device.
- Do your research and read online reviews about the brands that you are evaluating.
- Choose a brand that has a positive reputation and one that has built-in technology to offer tinnitus symptom relief.
- Understand the difference between devices with rechargeable batteries and ones with disposable batteries. Then, choose a hearing aid that suits your needs the best.
- Hearing aid for tinnitus come in many shapes ad types. Some people prefer the behind-the-ear models, while others look for in-ear types.
What are other tinnitus treatment options?
Sound Masking Devices
Sound masking devices are apps or devices that create ambient background noise, white noise, pink noise, or nature sounds. Many people with tinnitus add these devices to their homes to help mask the ringing in the ear, offering a way to relax and temporarily retrieve from the condition.
In the traditional sense, sound masking devices have been table-top or bedside devices with programmed sound options. However, it is important to note that any sound-producing device can be used as a means to mask sounds, such as TV, radio, and even your computer. Ceiling fans are also a great alternative.
The biggest disadvantage of sound masking devices is that they only work during or immediately after use. Unfortunately, they do not offer longer-term tinnitus symptom relief.
First things first, get a hearing test done. Based on the results, your hearing professional will help you determine if getting a hearing aid to relieve your tinnitus symptoms is the most beneficial for you.
1 Langguth B, Kreuzer PM, Kleinjung T, De Ridder D. Tinnitus: causes and clinical management. Lancet Neurol. 2013;12(9):920-930. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(13)70160-1PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref
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7 Carlotta M. Jarach, MSc1; Alessandra Lugo, PhD1; Marco Scala, MSc1; et alPiet A. van den Brandt, PhD2,3; ChristopherR. Cederroth, PhD4,5,6; Anna Odone, PhD7,8; Werner Garavello, MD9; Winfried Schlee, PhD10; Berthold Langguth, MD10; Silvano Gallus, PhD1 Global Prevalence and Incidence of TinnitusA Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Author Affiliations Article Information. JAMA Neurol. 2022;79(9):888-900. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2022.2189
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