Phonak Naída Lumity
Phonak's most powerful hearing device

Embracing the power of conversations
Powering your confidence
Conversations regain their meaning and connections are remade when speech understanding is no longer an obstacle. Those with moderate to severe hearing loss can take back that confidence with Naída technology helping you overcome daily challenges.

Speech understanding at the forefront
Explore the complete list of Naída Lumity product features
Comfort in Noise
Speech in Noise
Calm Situation
Media Speech + mic
Media Music + mic
Smartspeech Technology
Phonak's collection of features SmartSpeech Technology and AutoSense OS™ 5.0 provides both improved speech understanding and reduced listening effort in many listening environments. These advanced features designed for moderate-to-severe hearing loss allows you focus naturally on the speaker in front, side or back, to capture conversations from any direction.

Stay connected to all your devices
Naída Lumity keeps you connected to all your devices - smartphones, TVs, tablets, laptops and favorite Roger accessories. Stream calls or your favorite movies show directly to your Naída devices. For even more listening power, pair your hearing aids to a compatible Roger microphone and reengage with the conversations around you.

Choose from several colors
Available colors

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1 Appleton, J. (2020) AutoSense OS 4.0- significantly less listening effort and preferred for speech intelligibility. Phonak Field Study News retrieved from accessed April 2023.
2 Latzel, M., Lesimple, C., & Woodward, J. (2022). New implementation of directional beamforming configurations show improved speech understanding and reduced listening effort. Phonak Field Study News.
4 Ishida, I., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Dillon Edgett, L., Voss, S.C., Paccioretti, D., Trusler, A.,
Liu, Y., Cui, E.M., Qian, J. (2022, Aug 10-14). The effect of a remote microphone technology on the group listening experiences of older adults [Conference Poster#CP311]. IHCON 2022 Conference, Tahoe City, CA, United States.